TC4S:\Trading Books\The Disciplined Trader

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NameSizeDate Modified
Torrent downloaded from KB7/23/2014 11:57 PM
The Disciplined Trader.zip45,612 KB7/23/2014 8:20 PM
Intro - 0008.jpg329 KB7/23/2014 7:46 PM
Intro - 0007.jpg428 KB7/23/2014 8:08 PM
Intro - 0006.jpg420 KB7/23/2014 8:12 PM
Intro - 0005.jpg314 KB7/23/2014 7:45 PM
Intro - 0004.jpg200 KB7/23/2014 7:45 PM
Intro - 0003.jpg126 KB7/23/2014 7:45 PM
Intro - 0002.jpg135 KB7/23/2014 7:45 PM
Intro - 0001.jpg93 KB7/23/2014 7:44 PM
Douglas, Mark - The Disciplined Trader (1990) - ISBN-0132157578 [256p].rar1,699 KB7/23/2014 11:58 PM
C - inside2.jpg145 KB7/23/2014 7:44 PM
C - inside1.jpg149 KB7/23/2014 7:44 PM
B - back.jpg410 KB7/23/2014 8:13 PM
A - cover.jpg406 KB7/23/2014 7:46 PM