TC4S:\TradeStation\Tradestation 9.0 Build 8585 (work with ascii files)\How to use TS with ASCII files

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NameSizeDate Modified
screenshot_6.png47 KB10/7/2011 4:25 PM
screenshot_5.png70 KB10/7/2011 4:22 PM
screenshot_4.png38 KB10/7/2011 4:22 PM
screenshot_3.png27 KB10/7/2011 4:21 PM
screenshot_2.png27 KB10/7/2011 4:21 PM
screenshot_1.png25 KB10/7/2011 4:21 PM
Instruction - KB11/7/2011 8:39 PM
EUR-30 - KB10/7/2011 4:07 PM
custexch - KB11/7/2011 8:39 PM
attributes.INI1 KB10/7/2011 4:08 PM