TC4S:\O\OIC - The Options Industry Council\OIC 888Options |
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2001_fall - Forget the Cheese. Applying the Call Ratio Spread for Potential Recovery.pdf | 150 KB | 11/15/2006 2:02 PM |
2002_fall - Options for the Deflated Stock Portfolio.pdf | 1,654 KB | 11/15/2006 2:01 PM |
2002_spring - Options and Risk Management. Combining Options with Underlying Positions.pdf | 156 KB | 11/15/2006 2:01 PM |
2002_summer - Selling Puts. Risky or Conservative.pdf | 227 KB | 11/15/2006 2:01 PM |
2002_winter - An Opportunistic Options Combo for QQQ, the Nasdaq 100 Index ETF.pdf | 1,203 KB | 11/15/2006 2:01 PM |
2003_fall - LEAPS End-of-Year Tax Strategy.pdf | 1,410 KB | 11/15/2006 2:00 PM |
2003_spring - Prepackaged Protection.pdf | 1,166 KB | 11/15/2006 2:00 PM |
2003_summer - Options as an Alternative to Fixed Income and Cash.pdf | 1,180 KB | 11/15/2006 2:00 PM |
2003_winter - Worried About Early Assignment. Don't Panic!.pdf | 1,412 KB | 11/15/2006 2:00 PM |
2004_fall - Using the Covered Combination to Ensure Investor Discipline.pdf | 1,479 KB | 11/15/2006 1:59 PM |
2004_spring - Using Options to Speculate On or Hedge Against Interest Rates.pdf | 1,247 KB | 11/15/2006 1:59 PM |
2004_summer - Options Pricing Models and Their Role in Setting Investor Expectations.pdf | 1,450 KB | 11/15/2006 1:59 PM |
2004_winter - The Bullish Collar. Upside Insurance at a Low Cost.pdf | 1,486 KB | 11/15/2006 1:58 PM |
2005_fall - Buy a Spread. Sell a Spread. Take your pick.pdf | 1,864 KB | 11/15/2006 1:58 PM |
2005_summer - Insuring Your Portfolio with Cross-Hedging .pdf | 1,626 KB | 11/15/2006 1:58 PM |
2006_fall - Using LEAPS in Long-Term Investment Planning .pdf | 193 KB | 11/15/2006 1:56 PM |
2006_spring_summer - Volatility and the Long Straddle.pdf | 1,604 KB | 11/15/2006 1:57 PM |
2006_winter - Options Synthetics and the Principle of Put-Call Parity .pdf | 1,336 KB | 11/15/2006 1:57 PM |