TC4S:\F\ForexMentor (\Chris Mathis - The Ultimate Divergence Trading Course\Section 06 - Basic Fundamentals

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NameSizeDate Modified
Section06 - 08 - Quantitative Easing.mp42,969 KB10/24/2016 10:34 AM
Section06 - 07 - Deflation.mp44,067 KB10/24/2016 10:34 AM
Section06 - 06 - Inflation.mp43,186 KB10/24/2016 10:34 AM
Section06 - 05 - Interest Rates.mp46,183 KB10/24/2016 10:34 AM
Section06 - 04 - MicroEconomics.mp45,718 KB10/24/2016 10:33 AM
Section06 - 03 - MacroEconomics.mp41,285 KB10/24/2016 10:33 AM
Section06 - 02 - Quantitative and Qualitative.mp41,895 KB10/24/2016 10:33 AM
Section06 - 01 - Basic Fundamentals.mp44,552 KB10/24/2016 10:33 AM