TC4S:\2022_3\Tom DeMark - Trading Indicators for the 21th Century
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Tom DeMark_.docx
131 KB
9/18/2013 5:42 PM
Tom DeMark.docx
131 KB
9/19/2013 6:12 AM
Tape6 - Determing the Durations of Market Moves.mp4
340,447 KB
9/14/2013 6:10 PM
Tape5 - Identifying Real Trendline Breakouts.mp4
408,387 KB
9/14/2013 6:09 PM
Tape4 - Projecting Tops and Bottoms.mp4
411,005 KB
9/14/2013 6:09 PM
Tape3 - Anticipating Trend Changes for Big Profits.mp4
405,966 KB
9/14/2013 6:10 PM
Tape2 - Identifying Market Turns Before the Crowd.mp4
464,484 KB
9/14/2013 6:10 PM
Tape1 - Trading Exaggerated Market Moves.mp4
442,400 KB
9/14/2013 6:10 PM