TC4S:\2022\Reedstrader 101 - Mechanical Trading Strategy Workshop\Workshop |
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01.Introduction_Reedstrader.mp4 | 8,866 KB | 8/16/2022 10:38 PM |
02.Why use a Mechanical Trading Strategy_Reedstrader.mp4 | 26,291 KB | 8/16/2022 10:39 PM |
03.Research Behind the Edge_Reedstrader.mp4 | 194,057 KB | 8/16/2022 10:45 PM |
04.Seven Steps to Profitability – Longs_Reedstrader.mp4 | 56,752 KB | 8/16/2022 10:47 PM |
05.Seven Steps to Profitability – Shorts_Reedstrader.mp4 | 18,262 KB | 8/16/2022 10:48 PM |
06.How to trade the system using the REED$TRADER Mechanical Report_Reedstrader.mp4 | 59,867 KB | 8/16/2022 10:50 PM |
07.Mechanical Trading Strategy_Reedstrader.mp4 | 48,888 KB | 8/16/2022 10:51 PM |
08.Technical Information_Reedstrader.mp4 | 191,532 KB | 8/16/2022 10:59 PM |
09.Market Timing Models_Reedstrader.mp4 | 77,676 KB | 8/16/2022 11:02 PM |
10.Capital Allocation Models_Reedstrader.mp4 | 25,380 KB | 8/16/2022 11:02 PM |
11.The good, bad and ugly of the system_Reedstrader.mp4 | 137,377 KB | 8/16/2022 11:07 PM |
12.Ways to make the systems yours_Reedstrader.mp4 | 41,126 KB | 8/16/2022 11:09 PM |
13.What Next_Reedstrader.mp4 | 45,967 KB | 8/16/2022 11:10 PM |
REED_TRADER_101_Mechanical_Trading_Strategy_Workshop.pdf | 202,669 KB | 8/16/2022 11:29 PM |