TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Web Development Courses\Rails, Elixir developer (2019)\pro-ruby-on-rails-rails5\04 Associations and full on Rails MVC |
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052 Associations intro and view updates.mp4 | 29,656 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
053 Associations intro and view updates - Text lecture.html | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
054 One to many association and foreign key.mp4 | 41,876 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
055 Complete discussion on one to many associations.mp4 | 16,680 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
056 Create tables and models.mp4 | 23,471 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
057 Create tables and models - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
058 Test Driven Development - validations for model.mp4 | 43,248 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
059 TDD - validations for model - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
060 TDD - Build chefs.mp4 | 41,518 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
061 TDD - Build chefs - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
062 Complete chef model.mp4 | 8,710 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
063 Complete chef model - Text lecture.html | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
064 One-to-many association between chefs and recipes.mp4 | 36,931 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
065 One-to-many between chefs and recipes - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
066 Restful routes.mp4 | 35,469 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
067 TDD to build index action.mp4 | 27,291 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
068 TDD to build index action - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
069 TDD and complete index.mp4 | 45,681 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
070 TDD and complete index - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
071 Use TDD to build show recipe.mp4 | 44,310 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
072 TDD to build show recipe - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
073 Complete show recipe.mp4 | 6,369 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
074 Complete show recipe - Text lecture.html | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
075 Add profile image and refactor code.mp4 | 39,880 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
076 Add profile image and refactor code - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
077 Complete profile image feature.mp4 | 16,074 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
078 Profile image feature - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
079 Start new recipe.mp4 | 34,593 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
080 Start new recipe - Text lecture.html | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
081 New form.mp4 | 25,679 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
082 New form - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
083 TDD to create new recipes.mp4 | 42,371 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
084 TDD to create new recipes - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
085 Complete create new recipes feature.mp4 | 25,820 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
086 Complete create new recipes feature - Text lecture.html | 3 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
087 Add flash feature.mp4 | 20,476 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
088 Add flash feature - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
089 Start edit recipes feature.mp4 | 32,857 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
090 Start edit recipes feature - Text lecture.html | 5 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
091 Complete edit recipes feature.mp4 | 18,567 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
092 Complete edit recipes feature - Text lecture.html | 2 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
093 Delete recipes and test.mp4 | 45,193 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
094 Delete recipes and test - Text lecture.html | 4 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
095 Refactor code and wrap section material.mp4 | 43,655 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
096 Refactor code and wrap section material - Text lecture.html | 12 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |
097 Project Styling and testing resource.mp4 | 14,472 KB | 9/29/2020 9:37 PM |