PDC4S:\T\Tutsplus - Advanced Portfolio Techniques
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Date Modified
9. Kick it Up a Notch With Video
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
8. The About Page
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
7. Your Blog
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
6. Showcasing Your Work
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
5. Client Testimonials
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
4. Case Studies
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
3. The Homepage
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
2. Site Structure
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
11. Conclusion
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
10. The Hard Sell
3/29/2015 9:58 AM
1. Introduction
3/29/2015 9:58 AM