PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\YouTube Marketing & YouTube SEO\8. How I built my channel and how you should build yours |
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1. My overall channel strategy and insights.mp4 | 69,892 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
1. My overall channel strategy and insights.vtt | 9 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
2. Strategy for new channels.mp4 | 36,325 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
2. Strategy for new channels.vtt | 10 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
2.1 Strategy for a new channel.pdf.pdf | 161 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
3. Adding a subscribe widget to your website.mp4 | 13,067 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
3. Adding a subscribe widget to your website.vtt | 3 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
3.1 Link to the widget URL.html | 1 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
4. Case study of amazing video on a very low budget.mp4 | 56,161 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
4. Case study of amazing video on a very low budget.vtt | 6 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
5. Troubleshooting your channel if you are not seeing early success.mp4 | 45,790 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
5. Troubleshooting your channel if you are not seeing early success.vtt | 10 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |
5.1 Checklist if not growing.pdf.pdf | 158 KB | 10/27/2019 1:43 PM |