PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\Email Marketing 2020 (you@yourwebsite.com) Business Email\4. Linking your domain name to email and Verifying the Domain |
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1. Introduction to the Section.html | 1 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
2. What is Zoho.html | 3 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
3. Registering on Zoho.mp4 | 16,873 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
3. Registering on Zoho.srt | 2 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
4. Verifying your Domain (TXT Verification).mp4 | 39,934 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
4. Verifying your Domain (TXT Verification).srt | 5 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
5. Creating additional users(emails) for your business.mp4 | 12,796 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
5. Creating additional users(emails) for your business.srt | 2 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
6. Configure Email Delivery.mp4 | 39,534 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
6. Configure Email Delivery.srt | 4 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
7. Configure SPF and DKIM.mp4 | 38,963 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
7. Configure SPF and DKIM.srt | 5 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
8. Verifying Zoho Email and Exploring Admin Panel.mp4 | 11,870 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |
8. Verifying Zoho Email and Exploring Admin Panel.srt | 2 KB | 6/7/2020 5:54 AM |