PDC4S:\Health\Boards and Beyond Videos Completed\Neurology\3. Neurovascular Disorders
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5. Management of TIA-Stroke - Diagnosis, Thrombolysi.mp4
9,237 KB
12/2/2019 2:02 PM
4. Intracranial Bleeding - Subdural-epidural hematoma, Herniation.mp4
28,676 KB
12/2/2019 2:01 PM
3. CNS Aneurysms - AComm & PComm, Subarachnoid hemorrhage.mp4
10,044 KB
12/2/2019 1:59 PM
2. Vertebrobasilar Stroke Syndromes - AICA, PICA, ASA, Horner’s syndrome.mp4
14,858 KB
12/2/2019 1:59 PM
1. Cerebral and Lacunar Strokes - MCA, ACA, PCA, Lacunar strokes.mp4
27,868 KB
12/2/2019 1:58 PM