PDC4S:\Coding\Angular 8 Masterclass with TypeScript, Firebase, & Material Udemy
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Date Modified
1. Single Page Applications, Why Angular, and Getting Started
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
2. TypeScript and ESNext
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
3. Decorators, @NgModule, Angular Modules and App Bootstrap Mechanism in Angular
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
4. @Component Decorator, Angular Components, Communication, and the Lifecycle Hooks
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
5. Angular Routing, Guards
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
6. Dependency Injection(As a Pattern, As a Framework), Services, HTTP, Observables
1/13/2022 8:57 AM
7. Directives and Pipes in Angular
1/13/2022 8:58 AM
8. Forms in Angular
1/13/2022 8:58 AM
9. Using Third Party Libraries and Frameworks like MDB, Angular Material & Firebase
1/13/2022 8:58 AM