PDC4S:\2021_HN-ALL\Jason Capital\JC - Magic Bag |
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01 - What To Do When She DoesnÔÇÖt Text You Back.pdf | 39 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
02 - TooYoungorTooInnocent.pdf | 40 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
03 - 11LinesToMakeYourWitQUICKER.pdf | 36 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
04 - TheMereExposureEffectForLostCauses.pdf | 33 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
05 - Title- The ÔÇťYour Friend and I Are Married Now-.pdf | 38 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
06 - TheFASTESTWayToGetHerHookedOnYOU.pdf | 35 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
07 - TheAttractionMirror-TOOPOWERFUL..pdf | 31 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
08 - The ÔÇťGet Laid With Your Eye ContactÔÇŁ Trick.pdf | 43 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
09 - The Most Important Idea YouÔÇÖll Hear All Month.pdf | 60 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
10 - The 1 Sign SheÔÇÖs INTERESTED In You.pdf | 85 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
11 - Texting-GettingHerOut.pdf | 195 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
12 - PingingThePussy.pdf | 67 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
13 - WhyNiceGuysAreActuallyTheBiggestAssholes.pdf | 39 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
14 - MultipleWaysToTouchHerandBuildSexualAttraction.pdf | 59 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
15 - HowWeShakeHandsAttractively.pdf | 40 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
16 - D.G.R.My3-StepFormulaForTheDanceFloor.pdf | 38 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
17 - HowToHandlePhoneNumbersAfterYourHigh-StatusIsInternalizedandStartingtoExternalize.pdf | 35 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
18 - HowToMakeComplimentsWORKForYou.pdf | 50 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
19 - ApplauseApplauseApplause.pdf | 37 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
20 - 3SpecificStepsToINSTANTLYBecomeACaptivatingStorytellerThroughTextPhoneSnapchatandIn-Person.pdf | 38 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
BONUS - 365Blowjobs A Year.m4a | 3,702 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |
Magic Bag of Tricks.pdf | 191 KB | 10/26/2016 6:14 PM |